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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.



B Dormant

C Weak

D Unconcerned

Point out the error in the program.
const char *fun();

int main()
    char *ptr = fun();
    return 0;
const char *fun()
    return 'Hello';

A Error: Lvalue required

B None of above

C No error and No output

D Error: cannot convert 'const char *' to 'char *'.

Q3: The two binary digits are 1 and 2.

A False

B True

Q4: It is possible to have an overlap between high and low levels in digital logic.

A False

B True

Q5: A microcomputer is not a general-purpose computer.

A False

B True

Q6: An invalid digital signal is used as a zero.

A True

B False

Q7: Memory devices store binary data.

A True

B False

Q8: A graph of phase vs. time is a timing diagram.

A True

B True

Q9: In a negative logic system, a high is represented by 0.

A False

B True

Q10: The LSB is always to the right of the MSB.

A True

B False