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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Candid

B Direct

C Forthright

D Genuine

Point out the error in the program.

int main()
    const int k=7;
    int *const q=&k;
    printf('%d', *q);
    return 0;

A Error: Lvalue required

B No error

C Error: cannot convert from 'const int *' to 'int *const'

D Error: RValue required

Q3: Once a signal is digitized, the information it contains does not ________ as it is processed.

A stiffen

B compress

C complain

D deteriorate

Q4: The rise-time of a pulse is normally measured between the ________.

A 0 and 100% level

B 50% level on the leading edge to the 50% level on the trailing edge

C 30% and 70% level

D 10% and 90% level

Q5: The rise-time of a pulse is normally measured between the ________.

A 50% level on the leading edge to the 50% level on the trailing edge

B 0 and 100% level

C 30% and 70% level

D 10% and 90% level

Q6: A logic circuit that can store one bit of information is a ________.

A flip-flop

B gate

C code converter

D counter

Q7: The horizontal axis of an oscilloscope is normally calibrated in units of ________.

A voltage

B current

C frequency

D time

The combination of waveforms consisting of the given figures 1 and 2 is generally referred to as ________.

A a timing diagram

B two-phase waveforms

C simultaneous waveforms

D pulse waveforms

Q9: The digit that changes most often when counting is called the ________.




D LL Bean

Q10: Memory devices that use electronic latching circuits are called ________.



C magnetic tape

D flip-flops