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Directions to Solve

Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Q1: The inhabitants of the island were barbarians.

A uncivilized

B cruel

C bad

D civilized

If scanf() is used to store a value in a char variable then along with the value a carriage return(\r) also gets stored it.

A True

B False

Q3: A series RC circuit can be used to generate a power-up (automatic) reset signal.

A True

B False

Q4: The 7805 will get very hot if your circuit draws more than 0.5 A.

A False

B True

Q5: What is the function of the comparators in the 555 timer circuit?

A to compare the input voltages to the external voltage divider

B to compare the output voltages to the external voltage divider

C to compare the output voltages to the internal voltage divider

D to compare the input voltages to the internal voltage divider

Q6: When a capacitor charges:

A the voltage across the plates rises exponentially

B the circuit current falls exponentially

C the capacitor charges to the source voltage in 5×RC seconds

D all of the above

Q7: The ________ is defined as the time the output is active divided by the total period of the output signal.

A on time

B off time

C duty cycle

D active ratio

Q8: A 22-k resistor and a 0.02-F capacitor are connected in series to a 5-V source. How long will it take the capacitor to charge to 3.4 V?

A 0.44 ms

B 0.501 ms

C 0.66 ms

D 0.70 ms

Q9: What does the discharge transistor do in the 555 timer circuit?

A charge the external capacitor to stop the timing

B charge the external capacitor to start the timing over again

C discharge the external capacitor to stop the timing

D discharge the external capacitor to start the timing over again

Q10: Pulse stretching, time-delay, and pulse generation are all easily accomplished with which type of multivibrator circuit?

A astable

B monostable

C multistable

D bistable