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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Direct/Indirect speech. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Q1: He exclaimed with joy that India had won the Sahara Cup.

A He said, "India has won the Sahara Cup"

B He said, "India won the Sahara Cup"

C He said, "How! India will win the Sahara Cup"

D He said, "Hurrah! India has won the Sahara Cup"

Q2: Is there any difference in the #define and typedef in the following code?
typedef char * string_t;
#define string_d char *;
string_t s1, s2;
string_d s3, s4;

A Yes

B No


Q3: The direction of steepest slope on a contour, is

A along the contour

B none of these.

C at right angles to the contour

D at an angle of 45° to the contour

Q4: An instrument of accuracy class 1 can have an error equal to

A ± 1% of reading

B + 1% of full scale deflection

C ± 1% of full scale deflection

D + 1% of reading