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Directions to Solve

Rearrange the following six sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below.

  1. A taxi was summoned and Venu was taken to Lifeline hospital.
  2. While hurrying home from school.
  3. since they did not succeed, they decided to take him to a hospital.
  4. When Venu opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by doctors and nurses.
  5. Some people rushed towards him and tried to bring him to his senses.
  6. He was thrown a couple of feet away and lost consciousness.

Q1: Which of the sentences should come first in the paragraph ?

A 4

B 2

C 6

D 3

E 5

Q2: Which of the following problem causes an exception?

A A run-time error.

B Missing semicolon in statement in main().

C A syntax error.

D A problem in calling function.


Q3: Bergchrund is a topograhical feature in

A water bodies

B hills

C plains

D glaciated region

Q4: What would be the rms value of a sine wave having the same peak value as that of the above mentioned periodic wave?

A 19 V

B 42.2 V

C 38.2 V

D none