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Directions to Solve

Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the arguments is a 'strong' argument and which is a 'weak' argument.

Give answer:

  • (A) If only argument I is strong
  • (B) If only argument II is strong
  • (C) If either I or II is strong
  • (D) If neither I nor II is strong and
  • (E) If both I and II are strong.

Q1: Statement: Should the railways in India be privatized in a phased manner like other public sector enterprises? Arguments:
  1. Yes. This is the only way to bring in competitiveness and provide better services to the public.
  2. No. This will pose a threat to the national security of our country as multinationals will enter into the fray.

A Either I or II is strong

B Only argument I is strong

C Neither I nor II is strong

D Both I and II are strong

E Only argument II is strong

Q2: A goal of data mining includes which of the following?

A To analyze data for expected relationships

B To confirm that data exists

C To explain some observed event or condition

D To create a new data warehouse

Q3: The least permissible clear dimension of the web of thickness t in the panel of a plate girder, is restricted to

A 180 t

B 150 t

C 170 t

D 160 t

E 200 t

Q4: In a network

A Number of links = Number of branches - number of nodes + 1

B Number of links = Number of branches - number of nodes - 1

C Number of links = Number of branches - number of nodes - 2

D Number of links = Number of branches - number of nodes