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Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and thus find the correct answer from alternatives.

Q1: Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Presentation 2. Recommendation 3. Arrival
4. Discussion 5. Introduction  

A 5, 3, 1, 2, 4

B 5, 3, 4, 1, 2

C 3, 5, 1, 4, 2

D 3, 5, 4, 2, 1

Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and thus find the correct answer from alternatives.

Q2: Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.    1. Index    2. Contents    3. Title    4. Chapters    5. Introduction

A 3, 2, 5, 4, 1

B 3, 2, 5, 1, 4

C 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

D 5, 1, 4, 2, 3

Q3: The pre-ignition occurs before the spark is produced whereas detonation develops after the introduction of spark.

A Disagree

B Agree

Q4: Writing counter/loop programs is much more difficult with the introduction of the DJNA and the CJNE instructions.

A False

B True

Q5: Monnier, the inventor of R.C.C., suggested the introduction of reinforced cement concert sleepers for the railways in

A 1887

B 1877

C 1857

D 1897

E 1867


Q6: Introduction of slurry in a plate and frame filter press is done through a plate in each frame. The plate of this filter has a __________ surface.

A either (a) or (b)

B plane

C ribbed

D curved

Q7: India signed an MoU with which country for the reintroduction of cheetah and wildlife conservation?

A Ghana

B Namibia

C Australia

D Kenya

Q8: India has signed a pact with which country for the reintroduction of cheetahs?

A Namibia

B Egypt

C Gambia

D Nigeria

Q9: Under the National Rhino Conservation Scheme, which reserve has been identified for potential rhino reintroduction?

A Ganauli Reserve

B West Champaran Wildlife Sanctuary

C Patna Zoo

D Valmiki Tiger Reserve

Q10: From which country were 12 cheetahs flown in on February 18 as part of the Cheetah reintroduction program?

A Nigeria

B Japan

C South Korea

D South Africa