Matching Definitions

Directions to SolveRead each definition and all four choices carefully, and find the answer that provides the best example of the given definition.

Q1: Establishing a Power of Attorney occurs when a legal document is created that gives one individual the authority to act for another. Which situation below is the best example of Establishing a Power of Attorney?

A Louise is selling her house and she hires a lawyer to review the contract.

B Simone's mother can no longer get to the bank to cash her checks and make deposits, so she has taken legal steps to enable Simone to do these things for her.

C Jack's father is elderly and Jack thinks he is no longer able to make decisions for himself.

D At her daughter's urging, Mrs.Lenox opens up a retirement account with the local bank.

ANS:B - Simone's mother can no longer get to the bank to cash her checks and make deposits, so she has taken legal steps to enable Simone to do these things for her.

Simone's mother has taken legal steps to allow another person to act on her behalf. Therefore, this is the only choice that indicates that a power of attorney has been established.

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