Theme Detection

Directions to SolveEach of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed by a question on it. Read each paragraph carefully and answer the question given below it.

Q1: Industrial exhibitions play a major role in a country's economy. Such exhibitions, now regularly held in Delhi, enable us to measure the extent of our own less advanced industrial progress and the mighty industrial power and progress of countries like the U.K., U.S.A. and Russia whose pavilions are the centres of the greatest attention and attractions.

The passage best supports the statement that industrial exhibitions -

A greatly tax the poor economies.

B are more useful for the developed countries like U.S.A. whose products stand out superior to those of the developing countries.

C are not of much use to the countries who are industrially backward.

D boost up production qualitatively and quantitatively by analytical comparison of a country's products with those of the developed countries.

ANS:D - boost up production qualitatively and quantitatively by analytical comparison of a country's products with those of the developed countries.

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