Closet Test

Directions to SolveWell it was done and the debt was paid. But I began to feel ...(1)... sorry for myself that I could not ...(2)... it, I made up my mind never to steal ...(3)... I also made up my mind to tell ...(4)... to my father. But I did not have the ...(5)... to speak to him. It was not that ...(6)... was afraid that my father would beat me. I ...(7)... not remember any time when he beat ...(8)... of us. I was afraid that my confession ...(9)... cause him great pain. But I ...(10)... felt that I had to take this risk. I would never be happy again unless I told everything to my father.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A soon

B again

C once

D since

ANS:A - soon

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