Closet Test

Directions to SolveThe young student was delighted to be told of his winning the first prize in an oratorical competition conducted by the Film Federation of India. the selection gave him the rare opportunity of meeting the matinee-idol in person. He anxiously looked forward to the ...(1)... he was given a ...(2)... welcome by the ...(3)... The boy was ...(4)... by the reception. He was so ...(5)... that he did not utter a word for sometime. He even ...(6)... to offer the conventional greetings. When he did recover his ...(7)... he greeted the ...(8)... with folded hands. This got an immediate ...(9)... from the matinee-idol . The boy was asked about his ...(10)... hobby. He had no ...(11)... in admitting that it was going to films. Next he was asked to ...(12)... the film he liked the most. The boy was careful to name a film in which the idol had a leading ...(13)... This was followed by a question about the reason for the ...(14)... The boy mentioned a few ...(15)... of the film.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A event

B accident

C incident

ANS:A - event

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