Closet Test

Directions to SolveI noticed George Ramsay at the restaurant. He was starting into space. He looked as though the burden of the whole world sat on his shoulders. I ...(1)... at once that his unfortunate brother ...(2)... trouble again. I suppose every family has a black ...(3)... Tom has been ...(4)... trail to his family ...(5)... twenty years. He had begun life decently enough; he went ...(6)... business, married and had two children. The Ramsay were ...(7)... respectable people, and there was every ...(8)... to suppose that Tom Ramsay would have a useful and ...(9)... career. But one day without warning, he ...(10)... that he did not like to work, and that he was not suited ...(11)... marriage. He wanted to enjoy ...(12)... He would listen ...(13)... no advice. He left his wife and his ...(14)... He had ...(15)... money and he spent two happy years in the various capitals of Europe. Rumours of his ...(16)... reached his relations from time to time and they were ...(17)... He certainly ...(18)... a very good time. They shook their heads and asked what ...(19)... when his money was spent. they soon found out that he was broke and wanted to ...(20)... home.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A sore

B bitter

C sweet

ANS:B - bitter

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