
What are the decimal and hexadecimal equivalents for the binary number 10110111?

A 69/0x2102

B 183/B7

C 173/A6

D 83/0xC5

ANS:B - 183/B7

You must be able to take a binary number and convert it into both decimal and hexadecimal. To convert to decimal, just add up the 1s using their values. The values that are turned on with the binary number of 10110111 are 128 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 183. To get the hexadecimal equivalent, you need to break the eight binary digits into nibbles (4 bits), 1011 and 0111. By add- ing up these values, you get 11 and 7. In hexadecimal, 11 is B, so the answer is 0xB7.

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