
Q1: Which of the following represents a true equivalent of an inductor?

A An inductance in series with a resistance and a capacitance

B A capacitance in parallel with the series combination of a resistance and an inductance

C An inductance in parallel with the series combination of a resistance and a capacitance

D The only quality a real inductor has is inductance.

ANS:B - A capacitance in parallel with the series combination of a resistance and an inductance

An inductor coil when current passes through it creates a magnetic field around it and on its core thus having a value of inductance. Since the coil is usually made from copper/conductor, then as we all know that there is no perfect conductor it would have a small value of resistance that would appear in series with the inductance of the coil. Lastly, since the coil has spaces in between its turns, a small value of capacitance would be present since we by definition a capacitor is two conductors in parallel separated by a certain distance.

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