Declarations and Access Control

Q1: Which one creates an instance of an array?

A int[ ] ia = new int[15];

B float fa = new float[20];

C char[ ] ca = "Some String";

D int ia[ ] [ ] = { 4, 5, 6 }, { 1,2,3 };

ANS:A - int[ ] ia = new int[15];

Option A is correct. It uses correct array declaration and correct array construction. Option B is incorrect. It generates a compiler error: incompatible types because the array variable declaration is not correct. The array construction expects a reference type, but it is supplied with a primitive type in the declaration. Option C is incorrect. It generates a compiler error: incompatible types because a string literal is not assignable to a character type variable. Option D is wrong, it generates a compiler error <identifier> expected. The compiler thinks that you are trying to create two arrays because there are two array initialisers to the right of the equals, whereas your intention was to create a 3 x 3 two-dimensional array.

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