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Q1: A sum of money amounts to Rs. 9800 after 5 years and Rs. 12005 after 8 years at the same rate of simple interest. The rate of interest per annum is:

A 12%

B 8%

C 15%

D 5%

Q2: If 6th March, 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 2004?

A Wednesday

B Saturday

C Tuesday

D Sunday

Q3: On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?

A Wednesday

B Tuesday

C Monday

D Sunday

The following bar chart represents the GDP of different countries during the half decades 2001 - 2005 and 2006 - 2010. All figures are in Rs. billion.

GDP of Various Countries

Q4: Which of the countries listed below accounts for the highest GDP during the half decade 2001 to 2005 ?

A Russia

B India


D China

The following bar chart represents the GDP of different countries during the half decades 2001 - 2005 and 2006 - 2010. All figures are in Rs. billion.

GDP of Various Countries

Q5: Out of every Rs. 10,000 spent during the decade 2001 - 2010 approximately how much was the GDP of Russia during the half decade 2001 - 2005 ?

A Rs. 700

B Rs. 2,800

C None of these

D Rs. 1,400

The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by value of different computer companies in 2005.

The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by volume of different computer companies in 2005.

Number of units sold in 2005 in New York = 1,500

Value of units sold in 2005 in New York = US $1,650,000.

Q6: For the year 2005, which company has realised the lowest average unit sales price for a PC ?

A Cannot be determined

B Commodore

C Tandy


The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by value of different computer companies in 2005.

The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by volume of different computer companies in 2005.

Number of units sold in 2005 in New York = 1,500

Value of units sold in 2005 in New York = US $1,650,000.

Q7: Over the period 2005-2006, if sales (value-wise) of IBM PC's increased by 50% and of Apple by 15% assuming that PC sales of all other computer companies remained the same, by what percentage (approximately) would the PC sales in New York (value-wise) increase over the same period ?

A 18 %

B 16.1 %

C None of these

D 14 %

The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by value of different computer companies in 2005.

The pie chart shows the distribution of New York market share by volume of different computer companies in 2005.

Number of units sold in 2005 in New York = 1,500

Value of units sold in 2005 in New York = US $1,650,000.

Q8: In 2005, the average unit sale price of an IBM PC was approximately (in US$)

A 393

B 2800

C 3180

D 3080

Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q9: On scrutiny the police officer found out that the documents provided by the landlord were totally fabricated.

A forged

B historical

C genuine

D prepared

Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

  • (A) If only assumption I is implicit
  • (B) If only assumption II is implicit
  • (C) If either I or II is implicit
  • (D) If neither I nor II is implicit
  • (E) If both I and II are implicit.

Q10: Statement: Among all the articles, the prices of personal computers show the highest decline from June 2005 to December 2005. Assumptions:
  1. Comparative prices of all the articles in June and December 2005 were available.
  2. Prices of personal computers were higher in the first six months than the last six months of 2005.

A Only assumption II is implicit

B Both I and II are implicit

C Either I or II is implicit

D Neither I nor II is implicit

E Only assumption I is implicit