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Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q1: The thief outwitted the constable on some pretext and disappeared on the way to the police station.

A defeated

B be fooled

C cheated

D outmanoeuvred

Q2: The welding set up is said to have straight polarity, when

A work is connected to the positive terminal and the electrode holder to the negative terminal

B work is connected to the negative terminal and the electrode holder to the positive terminal

C work is connected to the positive terminal and the electrode holder is earthed

D work is connected to the negative terminal and the electrode holder is earthed

Q3: A moving mandrel is used in

A wiredrawing

B tube drawing

C metal cutting

D forging

Q4: The most preferred process for casting gas turbine blades is

A die casting

B shell moulding

C investment moulding

D sand casting

Q5: The upsetting is a process of

A increasing the cross-section of a bar

B reducing the cross-section of a bar

C joining the two surfaces of metal under pressure after heating

D bending of a bar

Q6: If neutral flame is used in oxy-acetylene welding, both oxygen and acetylene cylinders of the same capacity will be emptied at the same time.

A Correct

B Incorrect

Q7: Which of the following material can be used for making patterns ?

A Aluminium

B Wax

C Lead

D all of these

Q8: The torch used for oxygen cutting is same as for oxy-acetylene welding.

A Yes

B No

Q9: According to Indian standards, the total number of tolerance grades are

A 8

B 12

C 18

D 20

Q10: Loam sand is a mixture of

A 30% sand and 70% clay

B 50% sand and 50% clay

C 70% sand and 30% clay

D 90% sand and 10% clay