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Directions to Solve

Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

Q1: My hair stood off ends when I saw the horrible sight.

A stood at ends

B stood on ends

C No correction required

D stands on ends

E stood to ends

Q2: Suppose a program is divided into three files f1, f2 and f3, and a variable is defined in the file f1 but used in files f2 and f3. In such a case would we need the extern declaration for the variables in the files f2 and f3?

A Yes

B No

Q3: How many default constructors per class are possible?

A Only one

B Two

C Three

D Unlimited

Q4: Which of the following statement is correct about destructors?

A A destructor has void return type.

B A destructor has integer return type.

C A destructor has no return type.

D A destructors return type is always same as that of main().

Q5: Which of the following statement is correct?

A A constructor has the same name as the class in which it is present.

B A constructor has a different name than the class in which it is present.

C A constructor always returns an integer.

D A constructor cannot be overloaded.

Q6: Which of the following implicitly creates a default constructor when the programmer does not explicitly define at least one constructor for a class?

A Linker

B Compiler

C Preprocessor

D Loader

Q7: A destructor takes __________ arguments.

A three

B two

C one

D no

Q8: Destructor calls are made in which order of the corresponding constructor calls?

A Forward order

B Depends on how the object is constructed

C Reverse order

D Depends on how many objects are constructed

Q9: Which of the following never requires any arguments?

A const function

B Member function

C Default constructor

D Friend function

Q10: A class's __________ is called when an object is destroyed.

A assignment function

B constructor

C copy constructor

D destructor