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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Ordering

B Following

C Refusing

D Contradicting

Point out the error in the program.

int main()
    const int x;
    printf('%d\n', x);
    return 0;

A Error: unknown data type const int

B No error

C Error: stack overflow in x

D Error: const variable have been initialised when declared.

Q3: The arithmetic/logic unit will send the results of its decisions to memory.

A False

B True

Q4: Digital systems require that voltage levels change between high and low.

A False

B True

Q5: The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is composed of memory and outputs.

A True

B False

Q6: PALs are relatively simple integrated circuit devices.

A True

B False

Q7: Digital systems have ________.

A four states

B three states

C one state

D two states

The systems shown in the given figure transfer data ________.

A serially

B both serially and sequentially

C sequentially

D in parallel

Q9: Digital systems are called ________.

A numbering systems

B ADC systems

C binary systems

D logic systems

Q10: 1/4 as a binary number would be ________.

A 0.10

B 0.00

C 0.11

D 0.01