Course of Action

Directions to SolveIn each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true and on the basis of the information given in the statement, decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.Give answer
  • (A) If only I follows
  • (B) If only II follows
  • (C) If either I or II follows
  • (D) If neither I nor II follows
  • (E) If both I and II follow.

Q1: Statement: Financial stringency prevented the State Government from paying salaries to its employees since April this year. Courses of Action:
  1. The State Government should immediately curtail the staff strength at least by 30%.
  2. The State Government should reduce wasteful expenditure and arrange to pay the salaries of its employees.

A Only I follows

B Only II follows

C Either I or II follows

D Neither I nor II follows

E Both I and II follow

ANS:B - Only II follows

Explanation: Clearly, curtailing of the staff strength will only increase the panic and discontent, and the satisfaction of the employees is a must. So, the Government should arrange for payment of wages. Thus, only course II follows.

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